Friday, February 26, 2010

the title

its great, i've got nothing to say

i have been on my ride down the merri creek to visist sunshine and grease. i couldnt help but purchase.

practised yesterday for bei shen. going up on friday, its good, its fine, i cant wait to tread the boards again.

i'M 86 kilos at the moment, its great to be fit, i love it.

listening to:






Saturday, February 20, 2010

another big week down the tubes

firstly, i think too much, i worry too much, and i like too much.

2. played my solo album launch. the album zhu zi dan ge (jur ser daan ger) and i had fun, but because i wasnt sleeping as much because i'm a stress head, i could have had more energy. still the couple of days after. i felt really relaxed.

for those who missed the gig. here are some of the happenings.

wet patch made me cry with thier dentist drill sound.

j.k fuller was full of variety and cosmic suitcase dreaming. best jk show ive seen, but of course i aint seen too many.

i played 3 songs in shirt and tie, looking smart. 1. airport waiting lounge (an inevtable orbit song as yet practised) 2. door a, door b = door AB (another i.o song) 3. a shabby cover of the puddles 'thursaday'.

then to a drum loop of the late great mel taylor of the ventures, i did a strip,more like taking my clothes off. i stripped down to red boxer shorts and put red face paint all over the face.

i then self kariokied (sang along to a backing track of the album minus the vocals (plus undreased gems), tried to dance but i didnt have much energy.

the songs were 1, isle (my next single later in the year and probably the poppiest thing ive ever done. the backing track has 10 vocal tracks) 2. orbit within yourself (i did some good miming to the words) 3. tidal trains (i did a version of this on pat o'briens show the night before. i had to sit down and read the lyrics of this new tune) 4. cloudburst downshine 5. against the grain (thanks second easybeats drummer for your unknown services. a great new snapper-esqe song. 6. g,s,j (i was doing a stupid running thing for this one. i felt at one point like a bit of a prat, but got over it)

there you go.

also been practicing my dance work with craig. do come along on either march 5, 6 or 7 at 8pm. its atr the oki do yoga centre in carlton (3 waterloo st, its opposite the state housing flats on lygon st in between elgin and vic roads on the left hand side) its shaping up as my best work and much more of the ground than the airy fairy direction ive always taken.

Monday, February 15, 2010

video age

hello. ive finaly joined the you tube brigade and theres two videos for your edification. both songs come from my new solo album zhu zi dan ge, which is being launched tommorow night, so its good timing.
i feel a bit more relaxed now that everthings falling into place, its a busy year, and its funny that i always seem to pay for slack years by bieng five times as busy the next year. its all me driving my boat im afraid. sail on sailor.ohhhh!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

xtc, bill, and sick of music for the time bieng

the sunday sizzles gently away as i wait for the time to play in my rock band. going back to the empress hotel is a funny experience, like im going back to the past, but i remeber the energy i gave up on that stage and i love it.
been listening to xtc, the virgin singles comp. i like half of it to 3 quarters, but some songs are just too baad, sounding like the police, but 'grass' is a classic as is 'the loving,'. im a big fan of 'love on a farmboys wages', and i remember 'are you recieving me' as well: its cute. ive played it too much though and i think i'm going through a less music more reading stage.

been as you dont ask i'm reading red dust by ma jian,and it tales me back to trekking in western china.i will return there soon.

also i got 'still some light', the new bill fay album. i think my emotions get the best of me, when it comes to finding one of the great lost british voices ,as in the last two months, ive purchased and dowloaded about everthing curreently on offer. the new album has more demos from the time of the last persicution days. why he'd wamt to stick on a third version of 'sing us another song mae', which is exactly like the other two released versiions is beyond me. the second cd is a bill fay new album from last year. bills voice is crackly, probably due to fag smoking, as every second picture you see of him, he has a fag in hand.i really think this album should have been whittled down from 24 tracks to 14. its too long and i think some songs are better than others. the best songs rank with anything billss done. 'open my eyes' and 'keep turning the pages' are two gems. . keyboard sound can be tacky, but bill just has a korg synth. i can get over that though. i have bill fay overload.i have to stop listening for awhile
so as i sweat and the food digests in my tum, i say farewell. look forward to single launches and dance plays in the next month. its nice to be busy. ive just got to control my emotons (dont we all), i'm a passionate man.