lazing around at home after a ridiculous week of social activity. i did very little on the weekend, but the week started and hey ho overdrive.
tis all fun
master liu was great I LOVE THE WAY HE SAYS change direction- more like chane diwesion. this is qigong by the way.
gese doga at the gompa was laughing at himself as usual and the venerable micheal was having troublw with his english pronounciation. it waS ALL good.
then last night socialising with a new friend at a tapas bar in fitzroy. ooo theres hope for me yet.
after the revolution-bill fay quickly followed by high on the hog- the puddle,then a short breath till tarot will teach you/burn your money-don cherry. after the applause dies down its time for torrey canyon-serge the hot seathing masses need when the machines rock by tubeway army, and when the smoke is clearing,bebek-sylvia and ayla will show em whats what. ganroku hanami odori- takeshi taurachi and the bunnys will get em driving on the range, then knock em over with ah! berelum-alpay, then dissapear in a band of yellow smoke.
been watching iguana by monte hellman
andrei rubilev-andrei tarkovski
steppenwolf-fred haines only directorial long feature.
smells like reeeves and mortimer and bang bang its reeves and mortimer for the arty film humour valve release
brittania hospital by lindsay anderson
and ive got my jerzy skolimowski set of his polish films to sit through. which im looking forward to.
i forgot privellage by peter watkins thats a good un.
quite a long post tis nice. bye.