an addiction to the life signals encroaching on my doorstep. look at the grass swaying in the wind. ohhh myyyy move my shoulderblade towards west preston dishwashing made easy from all points of the compass i shouild stop now STOP NOWWWWW!!!!
heres a shot a david mckinon in full safari mode. hope to see you soom d man.
oooh where me will POWER at this hour. i slept too little, and i only got myself to blame. At least i got up and waltched Part two of world on a wire, FASSBINDER IS GAY AS HELL but it came out as beautiful art. When i saw Querrelle (JEAN GENET of all things) it never clicked. When i saw all the drag Queens In anothor of his films IT NEVER CLICKED. I CANT stop THe HArsH SEventies RE al ity. whish i liked kenu REEves, OR Tim Winton, but they Bore me with thier FAMe. THeres so much Freedom in UNFAme After ALL IVE finished My DISco SINGle ALL RIght THe SKY b/w OBscuratIONS out next week on BAND CAMP as a FREEEEEE!!!!! DOWNLOEADDDD!!!! im about to make a cover now for it so FAREWELLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 18, 2011
tryin to create a website blog thing but i think either this computer or my crappy internet access is stopping me.i will get there. i havnt posted on this for ages so ye ha here we go. get ready for
1. xmas 2. a new j.w album (well not new but collected sound works for the past 5 yeasrs or so) 3. ftsm mag 39 (its ready to go, so maybe in the next 2 weeks it will be out) 4. eventually a new jw album 5 tracks so far but it needs a lot of work and i'm in no hurry.
Just got the first Sandy Bull album from 1963 its really amazing and you need to check it out, because its a classic.