Thursday, December 17, 2009

hobart and cold things

yeaohh Hobart sparkles like a pre pubescent dingo. already been into town and my host me harper bumped into 12 people he knew, i only bumped into two, i guess that's pretty good going. i'm in town to do a show in north Hobart, i have to cope with lack of sleep (easy) and a throaty cold (a bit harder). im planning a split set. the first part will consist of inevitable orbit songs then i will do a karioke set of songs from my new album. it should be fun, and i will let you know how it goes.

i didnt think a thing about hobart until the car hit the highway from the airport. then i was met with rolling hills annd it all came back. i love the fact that its kie the 70's here 9with a lot of sixties buildings intact too) right down to the olde shoppe thing. yes its good and no bogans hacve crossed my path yet.
Christmas is almost here. all i want is for this stupid cold to go away, so i can fully enjoy the ambiance.snawklor are playing tomorrow and it might be good to get a bit of time with the boys, as theyre so busy inmelbourne, but i could make more of an effort too, ya ya ya!

a will leave you with one statement. i love bill fay's work.

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